Welp, here’s a blast from my past that I haven’t had time to crack open. A couple of years ago (2014, I believe?) Coca-Cola breathed new life into the 1997 citrus-flavored Surge soda that they’d discontinued back in 2002. Sort of like the Mountain Dew’s big city cousin, Surge was sold as EXTREME — which is the way they sold a lot of things to us in the eighties and nineties. It’s sort of got a lemon-lime thing going on and is, I do not lie, radioactive green in color. I found this at my local…
Boob Tube: Fear the Walking Dead’s Season Four Comes to Hulu and it’s Bad Ass
I love The Walking Dead. It’s bangarang, it rocks my actual face off. I’m one of the very few fans who’s never felt tired of the show. It’s never let me down and I’ve never hate watched it. My favorite character is whoever’s on screen at the time. I love it unironically because I cut my teeth on more old-fashioned zombie flicks. It’s hard to not feel like people are being really stupid when they say there’s something lacking in a show with so much story and so much action, but there are valid critiques. Like…
Bill Nye surprised Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at SXSW and I’m disappointed.
I love Bill Nye, ngl. I’m really warming up to Ocasio-Cortez and the Congressional freshmen, too. I think they’re doing a damn fine job at keeping promises to shake things up and hold people accountable. That said, when Bill Nye asked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez how she would reach out to scared (probably meaning white, conservative) voters who are worried about the impact of major changes in their already uncertain lives, I was really disappointed in her reaction. I totally agree with her that we need to be courageous and not back down but that’s not what he…