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Retro-a-Gogo: Fetish Cosmetics Silky, Streak-Free Color for Cheeks / Blush ( 1997 )

YES, it has been for-freaking-ever, and YES I have no excuse other than I’ve been busy but I have a real gem for you today! In the 1990s cosmetics category, if you’ve been following this blog you know I have a FETISH for Fetish Cosmetics by Cosmar, and have been searching the ends of the internet fo find in-package and sealed makeup from the 90s. This is Fetish Cosmetic’s ‘silky, streak-free color for cheeks’ blush in the color ‘through the night’, a gorgeous dusty cherry rose hue. It was brand new, still in it’s package! Unmarked,…

Retro-a-Gogo: It’s Gonna Be May / NSYNC Performance of ‘It’s Gonna Be Me’ on Japanese TV

*beat boxin’* It’s gonna be ME! Not an article, just a cute video of my fave boy band, NSYNC, meeting Ultraman and performing ‘It’s Gonna Be Me’ on Japanese TV in, I think, 2000. Not quite the 90s, but close enough to give me nostalgic goose bumps! You can check out the beginning of the song at about 2:47, but I definitely suggest watching the whole video as the boys are surprised by a visit from Ultraman! And it’s flipping adorable. How do we get along without them?

Tragic Kingdom: Missing Kurt Cobain 25 Years Later

If you lucked out and got to be part of Generation X, you probably remember where you were when you heard the news that Nirvana’s charismatic and troubled frontman had died. For a lot of us, Kurt Cobain was music. It’s not that what he was singing about was edgy, but that Nirvana found that place inside you that hurt, that screamed, that thought independently, and screamed it at you from a stage. Danced guitar rifts behind it, shredded and loud. This isn’t going to be an article about Nirvana — something I plan to do…